
Chat SDK


Chat SDK was designed to help developers build apps in a quick and easy way. Under the hood, it makes use of the LiveChat Messaging APIs, taking care of this part for you.

By default, Chat SDK comes with a method for sending plain text messages, which is a great starting point for further development. Based on the method template we provide, you can easily build other methods. Thanks to that, you have the flexibility to cover the functionalities you need for your app, for example sending rich messages.

If Messaging APIs seem too intimidating or you just want to build something real quick, Chat SDK is your way to go.


This is the version 0.2.0 of Chat SDK.

Initial configuration


To use Chat SDK, you will need to provide an access token authorizing you with the Agent Chat API.

If you don't know how to get one, make sure to check out these resources:


A useful feature you can configure is the debugging mode. By default, it's turned off. But if you want to display all messages exchanged with the LiveChat API, you can turn it on by setting debug: true. It may come in handy for troubleshooting as it will also display errors.

const chat = new ChatSDK({ debug: true })


By default, you'll be connected to a data center in the United States. If you want to change the data center to Europe, specify region: europe in the configuration object.

const chat = new ChatSDK({ region: "europe" })

API version

By default, you'll make request to the current stable API version (v3.4). To change it to different version, for example v3.5, set apiVersion: 3.5 in the configuration object.

const chat = new ChatSDK({ apiVersion: "3.5" })

Installing Chat SDK

To install Chat SDK, run the following command:

npm i @livechat/chat-sdk 

Data structures

The LiveChat system is based on four basic types of entities - users, chats, events, and threads.

Data structureDescriptionSample
ChatChats consist of threads.Chat
ThreadThreads are parts of a chat. They consist of events. They provide continuous chat experience.Thread
EventUsers can add events to chats (for example send a message), which are then added to threads automatically.Events
UserThere are two basic types of users: Agent and Customer. Users can participate in multiple concurrent chats.Agent Customer

All these concepts are thoroughly described in Messaging Overview.



It handles authorization, intializes the WebSocket connection, attaches event listeners, and then logs in the Agent.

  access_token: access_token
  // OR
  personal_access_token: personal_access_token
ParameterRequiredData typeNotes
access_tokenYes/No1stringSee Authorization to learn how to get an access token. Optionally, you can acquire it directly from Accounts SDK and pass it in to the init() method. The Simple Agent app uses this mechanism.
personal_access_tokenYes/No1stringSee Authorization docs to learn how to get a Personal Access Token. Provided value should be encoded in base64.

1) The init function requires one of the parameters to be provided.


It clears any stored resources, removes all listeners, and disconnects from the network. After using this method you won't be able to use the destroyed SDK instance.



It allows you to get information about the currently logged in Agent.

  .then(agentData => {
    // access to the agentData object
  .catch(error => {
    // catch an error object


It sends a plain text message.

const chatId = "PJ0MRSHTDG"
const message = "Hello world"

chatSDK.sendMessage(chatId, message)
    .then(event => {
        // get event_id or handle a success scenario
    .catch(error => {
        // catch an error object
ParameterRequiredData typeNotes
chat_idYesstringId of chat that you want to send a message to
messageYesstringMessage content
recipientsNostringPossible values: all (default), agents
Returned value
ValueData type

Creating custom methods

This SDK supports the RTM transport. For that reason, make sure you use the Agent Chat API RTM reference. When creating your custom methods, base on the payloads from the Agent Chat RTM API methods. ​ In the example below, we're creating a custom method that returns a chat. As you can see in the documentation, only chat_id is required, but you can include other optional parameters in your custom method.

const getChat = (chat_id) =>
        action: "get_chat",
        payload: { chat_id }
    .then(data => {
        // get a chat details with the latest thread (if exists)
    .catch(error => {
        // catch an error


The on method subscribes to emitted events.

chatSDK.on("event_name", (data) => {

Here's what you can listen for:

Event nameAction
readyYou've been successfully logged in. You're now ready to use all API methods.
PushesRefer to documentation.


The off method unsubsribes from emitted events.

chatSDK.off("event_name", (data) => {


The once method subscribes to emitted events and unsubscribes right after the callback function has been called.

chatSDK.once("event_name", (data) => {

Here's what you can listen for:

Event nameAction
readyYou've been successfully logged in. You're now ready to use all API methods.
PushesRefer to documentation.

Simple Agent

To show you Chat SDK in action, we've prepared a sample app, Simple Agent . Its primary function is to send text messages. Apart from that, it gives you access to previous conversations, as well as the info about the current Agent.

LiveChat Chat SDK

To run the app, follow a few steps:

  1. Create an app in Developer Console.

  2. Add the Authorization building block. Configure it by entering http://localhost:3000/ in Redirect URI whitelist and by adding the following scopes:

    • chats--all:rw
    • chats--access:rw
    • agents--all:ro
    • agents-bot--all:ro
    • customers:ro
    • multicast:ro
  3. Go to the Private installation tab and install the app.

  4. Clone the Chat SDK repository from GitHub and go to the example folder.

  5. In Developer Console, go to the Authorization building block of your app.

  6. Copy Client Id and paste it into the .env file in the example folder.

  7. Run Simple Agent with the following commands (from the example folder perspective):

npm install // install dependencies 
npm start //start the app

To start a chat, log in to you LiveChat account and choose the Preview live option available in the Settings tab. You'll now be able to receive messages and respond to them from within Simple Agent.

It's worth mentioning that all functions invoked before logging in are queued. Once you're logged in, they are executed in the same order as they were invoked.


-- [v0.2.0] - 2022-01-19 --

  • Add support for PAT
  • Update Simple Agent example
  • Set v3.4 as default api version

-- [v0.1.0] - 2019-11-27 --

  • Initial alpha release.


If you found a bug or a typo, you can let us know directly on GitHub. In case of any questions or feedback, don't hesitate to contact us at developers@livechat.com. We'll be happy to help!
